Saturday, July 24, 2010

A New Car

So back in April I took my car in for a tune up and realized what I kind of already knew. With the ammount of repairs that my car needed, it was totaled. This list gives you an idea of the ammount of work it needed:
  • No heat and no A/C
  • Gas gauge broken
  • Turn signal broken and making a weird sound... constantly
  • Bad shocks
  • Numerous leaks and issues with the engine
So... we decided that it was time to part ways and buy a new car.

We went shopping when my parents were in town and found this beauty for a really good price!
It's a 2008 Hyundai Sonota. And it's a silvery-blue color. Plus it has a sunroof, A/C, and doesn't make strange sounds! What a deal, right?

Well, something you may, or may not know about me is that I share the same opinion of those vinyl family stickers as my friend Nicole does here. So on Sunday when I drove my new car home from church, Jeff asks, "What is that thing on the back of your car?!" Sure enough, this is what we saw...
We were so confused. Was that on there when we bought the car? (It was a used car.) Did someone put it on there after we bought it? Who and when would they do that? And why? Well, remember how I said my mom and dad were in town? Remember how I said I share the same opinion as my friend Nicole? Apparently I am not quiet about that opinion and my parents saw it as an opportunity to tease me. Hilarious? Yes. They got up early Sunday morning before we went to church and put it on my car. Apparently my mom had been planning it for weeks and had her vinyl lady cut it for her special for her trip to Utah. Loved it, but now it's gone.

So remember how I said this was a 2008 Sonota? Well as we prepared to change our insurance, we noticed that the 12,000 papers that you sign when you buy a car all say 2006. What? Exactly. Here's what happened. The car had just been traded in when we came in to look at buying one. So there was no sticker with the specs in the window or anything. "Apparently" the salesman thought it was a 2008. (That's what you get for thinking.) And "apparently" the finance lady who does the paperwork knew it was a 2006. So when we were passed from one to the other, that piece of information was never passed. And wouldn't you know that as we signed the paperwork we carefully checked our names, address, and the mileage, but didn't catch the mistake in the year. Go figure.

As you can imagine we were more than a little upset that we hadn't caught the mistake then, but were even more upset with the fact that they had (not intentionally) lied to us. We went back and fought for something to be done. So we now have free oil changes and tire rotations for a year. Thanks. But I don't think I'll go back there when my car is totaled next time.


  1. I'm so glad you updated your blog. Don't get offended but ammount is actually supposed to be amount.

  2. We recently bought a new car too. A 2007 Ford Focus for a good deal too. Do you mind asking how much you got it for.
