Monday, February 16, 2009

The New Addition to Our Family

Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen??? This isn't actually HER, but this is what she will look like. She was just born last week and just barely opened her eyes, so we can't take her home until the end of March. But just ask Jeff... I'm SO excited!
Here's the story...
Jeff and I had both been thinking about what to get each other for Valentine's Day for weeks. And neither of us had come up with anything very good. Friday night (the night before Valentine's Day) we had this conversation:
Me: So... have you gotten me something for Valentine's Day yet?
Jeff: ...uh, no. Have you gotten me something yet?
Me: No. What should we do?
Jeff: I don't know...
So since we were both stumped, that's where it ended.
Later on, I was telling Jeff about the puppies I had seen a lady selling on my way home from work. Jeff asked, "Do you think she's still there?" By this time it was after 8:00. Doubtful. We were discussing what we wanted to do that night and he said, "We could go look at the kitties at PetsMart." (This is something we do for a free, short date sometimes. I love cats.) I said something like, "Like just looking, or to get one?" He said, "Either." So when we both realized that we both wanted a pet, we started looking. PetsMart only had cats. If I'm going to get one, I want it to be a kitten. We drove up to PetCo in Orem, right before closing time, just to find out that they don't have cats there. So we came home and searched online. We found a few options, but it was late so we decided to pursue it in the morning.
So all day during Valentine's day we were driving around trying to find our Valentine's Day present for each other. We drove to two different shelters, looked and called several people we found online and came up with nothing. No one had a kitten younger than six months. To me, that's not really a kitten. We came home a little discouraged. But then, I looked again online. I found a lady on craigslist (love that place!) whose cat just had 7 kittens! So we couldn't get one right away, but we could have her reserve one for us. After several times trying to get a hold of her we finally did. She said we could come to her house and pick one out. So our actual Valentine's Day consisted of:
-Looking for a kitten
-Getting take-out from Macaroni Grill (the best way to do Valentine's Day, so you don't have to wait) and eating it on our fancy china at home
-Going shopping for kitten stuff at PetsMart and Walmart
It may not sound very romantic, but it was fun. I don't need romance all the time.
So Sunday we went up to Salt Lake, picked out a little girl kitten that looks like this one, except TINY, and now we are just waiting to bring her home!
We're still looking for good girl cat names. Here are our ideas so far:
Any suggestions? Anything better? We need some ideas! Leave us a comment and let us know!


  1. How fun! I think you should call your kitty, Kitty. Kyle and I would love to get a puppy, but we're going to have to wait until we actually have a house with a yard and are actually home enough to take care of it. We will have to come over and see your kitten when you get it!

  2. I love it!! What a cute Valentine's Day story. I think it's romantic your husband let you have a kitten at all. Jonathan would NEVER in a million years. Oh well. Name her "Snipsie" the Kitty, puhlease!! It would be too perfect.
